KTH Join Documents
1- KTH General Guidelines The following guidelines are a basic resource for all delegates and should be read carefully. More detailed information on certain topics will be provided. All of the information provided here is for the benefit of the delegate and the guidelines should be respected at all times while with KTH. |
2- KTH Delegate Contract I have been offered a unique opportunity to strengthen my knowledge of my Palestinian identity, culture, history and traditions, as well as to enhance my understanding of the Palestinian economic environment, political landscape, social structures and conditions. |
3- KTH PACKING LIST Please be sure to limit yourself as per the regulations of the airline(s) you will be using. As always when travelling, there is a huge advantage to packing light. You will learn to regret 20 pairs of shoes or your electronic collection when you have to lug it around in the heat, and then have no room to bring home souvenirs or gifts. |
4- KTH HEALTH GUIDELINES Know Thy Heritage (KTH) hopes that every qualified applicant will be able to participate in its program, regardless of health issues. Nevertheless, there are some general guidelines for those with health issues that plan to participate in KTH. |
5- Jordan Itinerary Guidelines The Journey to Palestine! We are looking forward to |